Coupons, Discount Codes, Deals is an online wholesale retailer with a wide range of products, selling you everything you need, at the most affordable prices, using a coupon code. The main categories include electronics, mobiles, tablets, computers, perfumes and beauty, sports and fitness, automotive, baby and toys, home and garden and a huge variety of supermarket products.
Offer TypeDiscount DetailsExpires
Coupon5% discount with this SOUQ coupon code28 February
Coupon15% SOUQ discount code for ADCB card users29 April
PromotionGet up to 40% discount on Mobile phones category!29 December
Promotion10% to 80% OFF for Apparel, Perfumes, Watches, Mobiles and more31 December

Shipping is available through Aramex and Qexpress and the shipping charges are mostly discounted, but vary per item type and weight. The store operates in the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, KSA and Kuwait. 

At you are guaranteed full satisfaction, however there may be some cases when you receive a faulty or defective item, the color size or product are wrong, or it may happen that you simply no longer want to keep your package, in which case you have a period of 15 days since the arrival to return the items for an exchange or a full refund. 

Beside the discount coupon, the store also provides you a category of Daily Deals, where thousands of products have their prices reduced to up to 60% off, covering all of the categories the store has available. 

You can pay for your order in cash at the moment your shipment is delivered to your doorstep.



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