General Information About Parallels
Parallels is a well-known provider of desktop virtualization software and applications that offers management and delivery platforms for Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS desktop deployments. Parallels enables organizations to deploy third-party operating systems (OS), such as Windows and Linux, on macOS desktops as virtual machines ( VM ). Organizations can also use the company's software to manage macOS desktops and other operating systems with a single management console. The good part is you're in the right place because we can help you get the best price at, here you find including their popular student discounts , free trial and coupon codes with up to 60% off!
Parallels Product Categories
- Parallels RAS (Remote Application Server);
- Parallels Desktop for Mac Business Edition;
- Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro Edition;
- Parallels Desktop for ChromeOS;
- Parallels Desktop for Mac;
- Parallels Toolbox for Mac & Windows;
- Parallels Access;
- Parallels For Education.
Famous Brands Sold By Parallels
- MindManager
- CorelDRAW
- Parallels
- WinZip
- Painter
- PaintShop Pro
- Pinnacle
- Roxio
- VideoStudio
- WordPerfect
Information About Parallels Software Delivery
Visit the Parallels Online Store to purchase a Parallels subscription. Click Upgrade or New License , depending on whether or not you have a license for one of the previous versions of Parallels. Once you have selected the edition you need, click the Buy Now button to proceed to checkout. Fill in your contact and payment information and complete the process. You will receive your activation key shortly after completing your purchase. If you have a discount coupon, don't forget to apply it before placing your order.
Parallels Payment Method
Paralells accepts credit card, PayPal or bank transfer.
Parallels Return Policy
Within 30 days of downloading the product, you can request a full refund from the Parallels Online Store for any reason. Automation allows you to get a quick refund if all requirements are met.
Parallels Contact Information
Parallels Desktop comes with 24/7 phone, chat and email support. Log in to get personalized support.
Parallels Mobile App
Purchase Parallels products and services from the official website. Parallels lets you run Windows and Mac applications side by side. Choose the view to make Windows invisible while still using its apps or keep the Windows background and controls familiar on your Mac. Don't miss out on the latest Parallels promotions and discount coupons!
Parallels On Social Networks
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Parallels Coupon
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Latest Parallels Coupon Codes And Offers
- Get a 10% discount sitewide.
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- 8% discount Parallels Remote Application Server.
- 20% discount Parallels Desktop for Mac Business Edition.
- 15% Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro Edition.
- 30% off Parallels Desktop for ChromeOS.
- 10% discount Parallels Toolbox for Mac & Windows.
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Parallels Black Friday Coupon
Looking for Parallels Black Friday deals? These are available, offering discounts of up to 50% off: Parallels Desktop Perpetual, Parallels Desktop Standard 1 year, Parallels Desktop Business Edition, Parallels Desktop PRO 1 year, New licenses and upgrades and many more.
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Looking for Parallels Cyber Monday deals? These are available, offering discounts of up to 50% on Parallels Desktop Perpetual, Parallels Desktop Standard 1 year, Parallels Desktop Business Edition, Parallels Desktop PRO 1 year, New Licenses and Upgrades and many more.