Coupons, Discount Codes, Deals is an online wholesale retailer specialized in women’s clothing, selling the latest trends at prices affordable for every wallet, available through the use of a coupon code. The main categories here cover dresses, tops, swimwear, bottoms, jewelry, accessories, watches, along with a whole category dedicated to beauty products.
Offer TypeDiscount DetailsExpires
Promotion$7 off with coupon for order over $5017 March
PromotionCoupon for up to 48% off spring items12 March
PromotionSave up to 70% off select items promo for CHICUU.com22 February
Promotion15% off promotion for first order08 March

The shipping methods provided are operated by either EMS, DHL or UPS, with a delivery time set between 3 and 30 working days, depending on your zone and method of shipment chosen. While most of the products within the store are marked free shipping, some may still require additional transportation taxes.

If you received a faulty or defective item, or if your products arrived in the wrong size or color, you can return them within 30 days of the arrival date, asking for a refund or an exchange. 

Beside the discount code, you can also benefit from low prices, by shopping in the Flash Sale category within the store, where most product have their prices reduced to up to 50% off. 

Payment can be done online, when placing your order, through safe and secure payment methods, using a PayPal Credit Card or Account, Visa and MasterCard Debit or Credit Cards, Boleto, Wire Transfer or Qiwi. 



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