Coupons, Discount Codes, Deals is an online wholesale retailer specialized in electronics. Here you can find everything from cell phones, tablets, computers, accessories, electrical tools and other consumer electronics, at the lowest prices, using a coupon code. Besides that, you can also give your household a fresh look, with the items such as furniture and decorations from the home and garden category.
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CouponGet 4% promo code at order oevr USD800024 October
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The store offers different shipping methods to deliver their products over the globe safely and quickly. The retailer works with UPS, DHL, EMS, Swiss Post and HongKong Post, with a delivery time set between 3 to a maximum of 45 working days, depending on your zone. The shipping cost will also be calculated depending on your country and the shipping method you choose. 

Most of the products are guaranteed with one-year warranty. However, if you are not satisfied with your purchase or if your items arrive to you faulty or damaged, you have a period of 14 business days since the moment you received your package to send it back for exchange, repair or refund. 

Beside the coupon code, the store also provides you a special category within the main page of the site, called Clearance, where you can find thousands of items and accessories with reduced prices up to 40% off. offers you a number of 8 payment methods to use online, as it follows: PayPal, Western Union, HSBC, Visa, MasterCard, JCB, WebMoney and AstroPay.



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How to use a TVC-MALL voucher code?

The use of a discount code is easy if you follow the steps below:

1. Put the desired products into the shopping cart and then click in the top right on My Orders to view your shopping cart, then click Checkout.

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3. After you write the discount code click on Apply to enable the reduction corresponding to this coupon.

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Coupons Last Updated: Today
13 October 2024
21 Coupons and Deals

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